Practice Associate
Practice Associate
Kuno Budack is a Cardiology Associate Specialist and also works at Tunbridge Wells Hospital in Pembury covering all aspects of general Cardiology.
Kuno was raised in Namibia and came to the UK in 1995 after his initial medical training. He has worked as part of the local Cardiology service since 2000. He leads the rapid access chest pain service at Tunbridge Wells Hospital as well as undertaking in-patient care, general Cardiology clinics and a wide range of catheter lab procedures including pacemaker implantation and diagnostic cardiac catheterisation.
Kuno has accreditation from the British Society of Echocardiography and the Society of Cardiovascular CT. He also has an interest in cardiac resuscitation and has been an advanced life support instructor since 2006. He now ‘trains the trainers’.
In his spare time, Kuno enjoys playing the violin, cycling and spending time with his family.